Montpelier Motor Speedway 2015 Driver Experience Survey
Answers marked with a * are required.
1. Where are you located (City, State)?
2. What class did you race at the Montpelier Motor Speedway during the 2015 season?
3. How often did you race at the Montpelier Motor Speedway during the 2015 season?

4. Staff members were friendly and professional, and I can remember being thanked for racing at the Montpelier Motor Speedway by a staff member

5. The most influential factors determining factors where I race on a weekly basis include:
6. On an average weekend, how many times/tracks do you race at:

7. Please rate the following in regards to your racing experience at the Montpelier Motor Speedway:
  Excellent Good Average Below Average Poor
Overall Impression of the Montpelier Motor Speedway
Overall Fun
Treatment of Drivers and Race Teams
Friendliness of the staff
Weekly Payout
Points Payout To Top 10 in Each Weekly Division
Track Condition and Prep
Quality of Racing
Family Friendliness
Quality of Cars
Car Count
Fire and Medical Staff
Administration of track procedure and class rules
Program starting at 6:30 as advertised
Overall Length and ending time of the Racing Program
8. I consider my home or weekly track as the:
9. During the 2016 season, I plan to race:


During the 2016 season, I plan to race at the Montpelier Motor Speedway:


11. Would you support the use of a Transponder for computer scoring for your class (and all classes) in 2016?

The use of a transponder would provide the main form of scoring races, provide lap times, and a lap by lap break down of your position on the track along with the ability to group qualify for specific races.

12. To cover the cost of a transponder, I prefer:

13. With restarts, I prefer

14. For setting the starting position for the A Main events for all classes:

15. What do enjoy most about racing at the Montpelier Motor Speedway, and what are the speedway's biggest strengths?
16. When asked about racing at the Montpelier Motor Speedway, what is your typical response?
17. Within the racing community, what is the current reputation of the Montpelier Motor Speedway?
18. What can the Montpelier Motor Speedway improve upon to provide a better experience for drivers and race fans?  (Please provide constructive criticism)
19. Please provide any additional feedback, comments, suggestions, or compliments to help us improve your race experience:

Please list any rule changes needed for your class in the 2016 season:​


Rules changes are typically made in attempt to aide in cost containment, improve safety, ease of maintenance and repairs, work in unison with other local tracks.​


Super Street, Thunder Car, and FWD division drivers only:

For the 2016 season, I would like for the rule that requires any driver winning 3 consecutive races to start the tail of the filed (in the Super, Thunder, and FWD division only) to be:



Super Street, Thunder Car, and FWD division drivers only:

For the 2016 season, I am in favor of the following for technical inspection:


NOTE:  No decision or changes have been made.  Currently surveying the needs and wants of race teams.


Created with Survey Software.