Manhattan Housing Survey
I am a (Select all that apply):
Building Contractor
I reside in:
Outside of Manhattan, Riley County
Outside of Manhattan, Pottawatomie County
I have lived in Manhattan for:
Less than one year
1-2 Years
3-4 Years
5-7 Years
8-10 Years
More than ten years
I do not live in Manhattan
My personal monthly housing mortgage/rent is:
$0 - $299
$300 - $449
$450 - $749
$750 - $899
$900 - $1049
$1050 - $1349
$1350 - $1649
$1650 - $1999
$2000 - $2499
$2500 - $2999
I do not live in Manhattan
Based upon my experiences, this cost is (in comparison to other communities):
Slightly lower
Slightly higher
Not Applicable
Based upon my experiences, obtaining housing in Manhattan is:
Easier than in other communities
On par with other communities
More difficult than in other communities
Not Applicable
In my opinion, the biggest issues facing the Manhattan housing market are (select up to three):
Cost of Housing Construction
Affordability of Housing to Rent or Buy
Quality of Housing
Supply of Housing
Demand for Housing
Type of Housing (Apartment vs. Single-Family/Duplex)
Location of Housing
City Laws/Regulations/Zoning
City Building Code/Fees
Cost of Building Supplies
Property Taxes
Other (Please Specify)
The City often finances infrastructure (streets, sewers, etc.) for new housing developments and then assesses the costs back to the properties within the development. This is called a special benefit district. It allows the developer to lower the initial purchase price of lots and homes because the infrastructure costs are paid over time (usually 20 years). However, homes in special benefit districts typically have higher property tax bills because the assessments are billed with property tax statements.
Do you think the City should continue to allow special benefit districts to help finance housing developments?
Continue as currently structured
Continue, but extend financing for up to 30 years
Discontinue and require developers to install infrastructure
Other (Please Specify)
If you own a home in Manhattan, what is your annual property tax bill for all taxing jurisdictions (city, county, school district, etc.) – please exclude special benefit assessments.
Note: if you own multiple properties in Manhattan, please respond for your owner occupied residence.
$0 - $500
$500 - $750
$750 - $1000
$1000 - $2000
I don’t know
Not applicable
To what degree did you or would you consider local property taxes in your decision to buy a home inside or outside the city limits?
Significant factor
Moderate factor
Slight factor
Not a factor
Would you attend a housing summit conference in Manhattan to discuss the housing market and other housing issues:
In 200 words or less, please summarize your opinion of Manhattan housing:
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Survey Software