Internet is bad for social health
Answers marked with a * are required.
1. 1. How many hours do you spend on the following activities in a week: *
  <11 11-20 21-30 31-40 >41
My schoolwork, rawr
Socialising offline
Socialising online
My family
2. I am involved in the following, on a scale to 1-6, with 6 being the most active *
  1 2 3 4 5 6
Online socializing websites - Facebook, Friendster
Online instant messaging - MSN, Yahoo Chat
Online gaming
Religious communities
Other external social groups
3. Give a guesstimate on how many contacts you have on: *
Online socializing websites - Facebook, Friendster
Online instant messaging - MSN, Yahoo Chat
Online gaming
Religious communities
Other external social groups
4. I find them useful in expanding my social circle, rate from 1 - 6 ( 6 the most useful ) *
  1 2 3 4 5 6
Online socializing websites à Facebook, Friendster
Online instant messaging à MSN, Yahoo Chat
Online gaming
Religious communities
Other external social groups
5. Overall, do you think the internet is a useful tool in building, strengthening relationships? *
6. I spend more time bonding with my friends through internet instead of real life. *

7. Chatting with friends - real life or online? *
Great, you are making progress! Continue on!
8. How many contacts in your Instant Messaging have you chat with in the recent week? *
9. How many contacts in your Instant Messaging have you met up with in the recent month? *
10. Let's say its one of your friends' birthday today, did you *

11. And will you rather send an e-card or spend time to make a handmade one? *
12. "52 nights unplugged" *


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