Answers marked with a * are required.
1. Enter your full name and contact information. Your information will be held in strictest confidence and will not be shared or sold to anyone.
First Name
Last Name
Telephone Number including area code
Time Zone
Email Address
Best day and time to reach me by telephone
2. Are you tired of worrying about your weight? *
3. Do you want to lose weight NOW? *
4. WHY do you want to lose weight now? *
5. Have you ever tried to lose weight in the past? *
6. If yes, what happened? *
7. How important is it for your to lose weight now? *

8. Why is it important to you? *
9. Are you willing and prepared to make realistic and sustainable changes to your eating, thinking and lifestyle habits? *

10. Imagine yourself 10 years from today. You’ve released your excess weight and are keeping it off effortlessly. How much better do you think your life will be from today? *
11. In what ways do you think your life will be better? *
12. Imagine yourself 10 years from now. You have done nothing differently than you are doing today to improve your health and weight. How much better will your life be than today? *
13. What will the consequences be if you don't do anything different from what you are doing today? How will your life be different 10 years from now? *

Created with Survey Software.