Motherhood Questionnaire
Answers marked with a * are required.
1. Please provide your first name only. *
2. What state do you live in (or region and country if not USA, ie: Queensland, Aus)? *
3. How old are you? *
4. What is your marital status? *
5. How old are your children right now? *
6. Prior to having children, what had you thought your plans for family would be?
7. In one paragraph, please tell us your motherhood story. IE: I got married at 22 and we started trying to get pregnant a year later. It took 8 months, but we became pregnant and I had a little boy. About 18 months later, I became pregnant again and our daughter was born a little premature, but perfectly healthy. We're now trying to get pregnant with baby #3.
8. Were you adopted or a foster child yourself? If so, please share any part of your story you would like. We appreciate your viewpoint on these topics.

Created with Survey Software.