Vegan Drinks Philly
Answers marked with a * are required.
1. On a scale of 1-5 (1 being the worst, 5 being the best), how would you rate the overall experience of Vegan Drinks Philly? *

2. Do you plan on attending future Vegan Drinks Philly events? *

3. How often would you be able and willing to attend future Vegan Drinks Philly events? *

4. In the future, would you prefer a flat rate to enter (i.e. $20 to get in includes a ticket for a drink or an appetizer) as opposed to the "pay as you go" method? *

5. If there were to be a flat rate to enter, how much would you be able and wiling to pay, if the entrance fee included a drink or an appetizer? *

6. On a scale of 1-5 (1 being the worst, 5 being the best), how satisfied were you with Horizons as the event location? *

7. What was your main purpose for attending Vegan Drinks Philly? *

8. Would you consider yourself... *

9. Are you interested in using Vegan Drinks Philly as a way to collect donations for 501c3 animal advocacy groups? *

10. Are there any other comments or suggestions you have for future events?

Created with Survey Software.