Market Research- Content Management System
Answers marked with a * are required.
1. Does your company deliver/ consider delivering Web Solutions *

2. What type of web content management systems (CMS) do you use *
3. What features are important in a Web CMS *
  Important Neutral Not Important
Ease of use
4. Does your existing Web CMS lack any features *
5. Have you heard of SaaS
Software- as- a- Service is a software delivery method that provides access to software and its functions remotely as a web- based service. SaaS allows organisations to access business functionality at a cost typically less than paying for a licensed application since its pricing is based on a monthly fee. Also, because the software is hosted remotely, users don't need to invest in additional hardware. SaaS removes the need for organisations to handle the installation, set- up and often daily upkeep and maintenance. Software as a Service may also be referred to as simply hosted applications

6. If Yes, Would you consider using SaaS Web CMS if it delivered these key benefits along with others
Accessible from anywhere with a web browser
No IT staff overheads
Hassle Free
Lower initial investment

7. How much would you be willing to pay for the SaaS Web CMS Product/ month/ per site *


Created with Survey Software.