Survey of SOCR Experiences
This survey is completely voluntary and anonymous. You can answer all or some of the questions. Thank you for your feedback!
Survey of SOCR Experiences
This survey solicits anonymous feedback from all SOCR users (instructors, learners, developers, etc.) regarding their experiences using SOCR data, tools, resources, activities, other materials and the SOCR infrastructure. There are 10 questions in this survey! Please complete as many as you can. Thank you for your feedback!
For how long have you been using any of the SOCR resources?
<= 1 Day
<= 1 week
<= 1 month
<= 6 months
<= 1 Year
<= 3 Years
> 3 Years
What SOCR components have you used (you can select multiple entries)?
SOCR Distributions
SOCR Experiments
SOCR Analyses
SOCR Games
SOCR Modeler
SOCR Charts
Additional SOCR Resources
SOCR Datasets
Various SOCR Activities
Other SOCR resources
Please rate your Overall Experience using, and interacting with, different SOCR resources.
Outstanding (everything worked much better than expected)
Great (most materials, tools and resources met or exceeded my expectations)
Good (many things worked well, but some did not)
Satisfactory (some resources worked well, but most did not)
Poor (few resources worked as expected)
Other (Please Specify)
What SOCR resources are most valuable to you personally?
SOCR Distributions
SOCR Experiments
SOCR Analyses
SOCR Games
SOCR Modeler
SOCR Charts
Additional SOCR Resources
SOCR Datasets
Various SOCR Activities
Other SOCR resources
What type of SOCR user do you best self-identify with?
Educator (instructor, teacher, professor, etc.)
Formal Learner (student enrolled in a class or other formal curricular training)
Informal Learner (self-learners, adult-learners, etc.)
Tool Developer
Scientist or Engineer
General user
Other type of user (specify)
Are you satisfied with the SOCR infrastructure (including the SOCR HT Resource viewer, SOCR computational libraries, SOCR Wiki resources, multilingual support, interactive user Geo-Map, Support, etc.) Please explain!
Please comment on the Navigation and Integration of the SOCR Internet Resources.
Please recommend revisions of existent SOCR materials.
Please suggest the design, development and validation of new SOCR resources.
Other Feedback
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Survey Software