Seattle Cultural Space Inventory
Answers marked with a * are required.
1. Which organization are you representing? *
2. What is the name and title of the person in your organization who deals with facility issues?
What is their email address?
3. What is the total square footage of your current facility? *
4. In what neighborhood is your facility located? *
5. Your organization is *
6. What is the dominant discipline your organization supports? *
7. How many years have you been in your current facility? *
8. Do you rent or own it? *
9. If you rent, what is your site control (through) date? This includes the years left on your lease plus options to renew. 
10. What year was your building built? *
11. How many years has the organization been in operation? *
12. How many previous facilities has your organization occupied? *
13. How many theaters does your facility contain, if any?
14. Within your theater(s), how many total seats in each?
15. Does your facility contain visual arts galleries?
16. If so, how many square feet of gallery space?
17. Is your building ADA compliant? (Please note: this is not for regulatory purposes.) *
18. How many parking spaces do you have? *
19. Does your facility have street frontage? *
20. Is there rental space available within your organization? *
21. Do you serve alcohol? *
22. Are you funded by Seattle's Office of Arts & Culture? *
23. On a scale of 1-5 with 1=very uncertain and 5=very stable, what is your stability index in relation to losing your current facility?  *
24. Is 50% of your constituency specific to one race? If so, which one? *

Created with Survey Software.