United Nurses for Health Care Public Health Survey
Answers marked with a * are required.
1. What is your sex?
2. Of what age group are you?
3. Do you have a family doctor?
4. If your answer was no have your ever had a family doctor?
5. Do you have medical insurance?
6. What kind of insurance do you have?
7. If you answered no to #6 have you ever had medical insurance?
8. If you had medical insurance, and lost it please tell us the cause.
9. How many people live in your household?
10. Are you?
11. Are you?

12. In your last visit to the hospital do you feel that you or your family member was treated right?
13. If your answer was no tell us what happened?
14. What was the name of the hospital you visited and what state was it in?
15. Was there a person or persons that gave you great care, what was their name and what was their title?
16. How far is it to your nearest hospital?
17. Do you know how to find your hospitals rating?
18. On your last visit to a hospital to you feel that the Nurse or the Doctor or both really listened to your problem?

19. Would you return to the same hospital if you could go to another hospital?
20. Do you think that doctors really care about you?
21. Do you feel that nurses really care about you?
22. I would ask that you give us your email address for the survey; you will not get junk mail. If you do not wish to that is alright.

Created with eSurveysPro.com Survey Software.