1. What is your age as of November 1, 2006
2. What is your Ethnicity?
3. What is your sex?
4. Age at which you believe you will retire?
5. How many years have you been a Registered Nurse?
6. Is Nursing your first Career? ( If yes skip to question 8)
7. If Nursing is not your first career, what was you primary career(s) before Nursing
8. At what age did you receive your licensure as a Registered Nurse?
9. Are you a citizen United States? (If yes Skip to Question 12)
10. If you were trained in and reruited from another country, which country did you come from?
11. If you are not a citizen of the United States, were you trained and recruited from another country?
12. What best describes your current nursing status?
13. In what areas are you certified?
14. How many years have you been ACTIVELY employed in nursing ?(number of years please)
15. What is the highest level of nursing education you have complete?
16. Do you currently belong to any professional nursing organizations?

17. What one option describes your current job title/position?
18. What describes your PRIMARY work setting?
19. If you work primarily in a hospital, in what department do you typically work?
20. Rank the following in order of Importance to you in the work setting? the next 4 question will be part of this one.



25. When you think about the current nursing shortage, which, listed below, do you feel contribute to that shortage?

26. Do you plan on leaving nursing for another career?
27. If you answered yes to question 22, when do you anticipate leaving nursing?

28. If you anticipate leaving nursing, what field of interest would you pursue?
29. What best describes your current marital status?


Created with Survey Software.