Survey on Professional Development for Conference Interpreters
Answers marked with a * are required.
1. Where is your professional address? *
2. Would you potentially be interested in participating in the Professional Development Series at Glendon?  *

3. Which of the following best describes your current situation? *
4. What is your goal in taking a professional development course? (Please check all that apply.) *
5. Are there particular subject areas or contexts you would like to concentrate on? (Please check all that apply.) *
6. Which language combinations and directions would you like to work on? (Please check all that apply.) *
7. Are you interested in a language pair and direction not listed above? (If so, please indicate which.)

8. How would you like us to address the issue of working languages? *
9. How long would you like a course to last? *
10. What sort of accommodation would you need, if any? *
11. What expectations would you have regarding meals during the course? *
12. What would you be interested in paying for a course? *
13. Do you have any comments you would like to share with us?

Created with Survey Software.