Montpelier Motor Speedway 2015 Fan Experience Survey
Answers marked with a * are required.
1. What is your gender?

2. What is your age?

3. How often did you attend races at the Montpelier Motor Speedway during the 2015 season?

4. ​How long do you drive (one way) to attend races at the Montpelier Motor Speedway?

5. The average number of people in my group or party when attending the races is

6. The average cost at the track (including tickets, food, souvenirs, etc...) for my family attending a night at the races at the Montpelier Motor Speedway is

7. While visiting the Montpelier Motor Speedway, I have purchased:
8. What items should the Montpelier Motor Speedway have available for purchase at the race track that is not currently offered?
9. When attending races at the Montpelier Motor Speedway on the way to or from the races, I typically stop or purchase the following affecting the local economy:
10. When traveling to and from a race, I typically the spend the following amount of money affecting the local economy (purchasing fuel, food, general shopping, restaurants):

11. Please rate the Montpelier Motor Speedway in terms of Family and Fan Friendliness:
  Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree
Price For Family
Overall Environment
Bathroom Cleanliness
Behavior of Fans in the Grandstands
Thanked By A Staff Member For Attending or Purchasing Items
Needs A Full-Time Security Officer in Main Grandstand
A Montpelier Staff Member is Visible and Easily Accessible in the Need of Assistance

The Family Seating Section should:



13. What are your favorite weekly racing classes at the Montpelier Motor Speedway?
14. I would definitely attend a special racing program that included:
15. I follow or like the Montpelier Motor Speedway on the following social media/communication networks:
16. The Social Media I regularly use include:
17. In regards to advertising and race information from the Montpelier Motor Speedway, I noticed/heard ads and information on the speedway from the following mediums:
18. In regards to the 2015 season, please rate the following:
  Excellent Good Average Poor Not Applicable
Overall Impression of the Montpelier Motor Speedway
Quality of Racing
Value For Money
Family Friendliness
Efficiency of the Race Program
Friendliness of the Staff
Professionalism of the Program
$12 Ticket Price
Quality of Concession Items
Quality of Concession Service
Souvenir Program
Quality of Cars
Car Count
Overall Length of the Racing Program
Promptly starting on advertisted starting time of 6:30
19. When asked about racing at the Montpelier Motor Speedway, what is your typical response?
20. What do enjoy most about attending races at the Montpelier Motor Speedway, and what are the speedway's biggest strengths?
21. What can the Montpelier Motor Speedway improve upon to provide a better experience for race fans?  (Please provide constructive criticism)
22. Please provide any additional feedback, comments, suggestions, or compliments to help us improve your race experience:

Created with Survey Software.