Wedge Ottawa
Answers marked with a * are required.
1. Please write your age
2. Please tell us the name of street you currently reside
3. Please tell us how long you have resided in the Wedge
4. What is it you value about the Wegde?
5. Do you feel well informed about the area's history?
6. What is your vision for the future of the Wedge?  How would you like to see it change?
7. Do you think your property or the area has historical significance, and if so how?
8. Did you know there is a Lowertown Community Association?
9. What do you think role of the Lowertown Community Association should be in serving the Wegde?
10. What kinds of programming could the Lowertown Community Association develop that you would be interested in engaging with to learn more about the Wedge? Please check the boxes.
11. What would you like the City to do to improve the Wedge?

Thank You for participating in the survey.

If you have any additional information you would like to share with us  you may take part in our upcoming focus groups, individuals interviews or send us an email. All of our information can be found on the blog  In addition please check our out twitter feed @WedgeOttawa and our Facebook page WedgeOttawa.


Created with Survey Software.