PLM Status & Trends Survey
This annual CIMdata survey is intended for PLM practitioners who have experience implementing and using PLM strategies and enabling technologies. The goal is to deepen the collective understanding of the status, drivers, and preconditions for companies to achieve value from their investment in PLM.
For those who participate in this survey, CIMdata will report back to you with analysis and insight.
All responses will be held in the strictest confidence and will not be attributed to any person or company. Reporting metrics will be general in nature, not specific to the practices of any one company.
***As an additional incentive (and to make the exercise more exciting and fun) each respondent is invited to
enter a drawing for one of five (5) $100 Amazon gift certificates.***
Please give an estimate if you don't know the exact answer to a question.
OK, now let’s get started. The survey should only take about 15 minutes to complete.
CIMdata, Inc.
Ann Arbor, MI USA